French Crepe Challenge


Bonjour! Comment ça va? As a French challenge, I would love you to get baking some French crêpes! Here is the recipe in both French and English below. Please ask a grown-up’s permission and help before you start! Perhaps you could create a French menu with a couple of choices of topping for your family­? Try and make the crêpes as tasty as possible and send us your pictures and we will add to the blog! You could add a comment telling us what you put on your crepes or send us a photo and we will add it to the blog!

Bon appétit!

Mrs Dyer


250g de farine – 250g of flour

 ½ litre de lait – ½ litre of milk

3 œufs – 3 eggs

2 cuillères à soupe d’huile végétale – 2 tablespoon of vegetable oil

½ cuillère à café de sel – ½ teaspoon of salt

Optional : 2 cuillères à soupe de sucre – 2 tablespoon of sugar


Mettez tous les ingrédients dans un robot ou un bol et mélangez jusqu’à obtention d’une pâte lisse et sans grumeau – Put all the ingredients on a bowl or a food processor and mix well until you obtain a soft batter without lumps.

Faites cuire dans une poêle plate et faites sauter pour s’amuser – cook in a flat pan and flip for fun!

Rajoutez n’importe quelle garniture, sucre, confiture, nutella, fraises, jus de citron, etc! – add any toppings, sugar, jam, nutella, strawberries, lemon juice, et.